"New mankind universe philosophy"
that is read from the sacred book
This is to keep for the mind and to leave it.
"As for building up friendship.
Except to us earth mankind for no one is here." ...
Renounce war and proclaim peace. (Doctrine and Covenants98:16)
Put up the flag of the peace. (~Doctrine and Covenants105:39)
The person who doesn't know this is given an answer soon.
At that time, as for mankind scooped up.
It is not with the existence called the person.
"It has a soul pulled out", and to understanding the following item carefully. ...
The great and dreadful day of the Lord is near. (Doctrine and Covenants110:16)
When "The Savior" shall appear we shall see "The Savior" as it is.
(~Doctrine and Covenants130:1)
"The Savior", shall stand in the midst of his people, and shall reign
"over all flesh". (~Doctrine and Covenants133:25)
To be carnally-minded is death. (2 nephi9:39)
A devil calms down the people, and deceives them,
and makes it believe safety in this world. (~2 nephi28:21)
After that, as earth mankind.
It is decided to struggle against the angel race without mercy.
And, it is decided to fight against the beast person who has the soul pulled out.
That comes down "from God in heaven" with dyed garments, this someone.
(~Doctrine and Covenants133:46)
We wrestle against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians6:12)
Only the child of the ruin is ruined. (~John17:12)
It is unacceptable to return to regret it again and to renew it. (~Hebrews6:4-6)
That mercy doesn't reach such that man.
That man final doom is to endure a never-ending torment. (~Mosiah2:36-39)
A deluge comes after the bloodbath.
It isn't helped if it doesn't run away to the very very, high place.
If they endure to the end they shall be lifted up at the last day.
(~1 nephi13:37)
If ye shall be obedient to the commandments, and endure to the end,
ye shall be saved at the last day. (~1 nephi22:31)
A work in 2004 / English edition
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